When do I get my Return on Investment (ROI) for Granny Flats?

Whether you are building a granny flat for your own use or as a rental investment, we will help you to realise maximum return on your investment. Based on our extensive experience in the industry, by adding a 60m2 Granny Flat to your property you can expect to a substantial increase in the property value and huge increase to cash-flow. Obviously the numbers will vary depending on where you are located however, if you want some help with numbers to prepare your feasibility report and accurately determine the return on investment, just call us. We are more than happy to help.

1.  Turn your seldom used backyard into an investment opportunity. 

2.  Borrow against the equity in your home to finance a granny flat. (Contact your Broker or feel free to contact our recommended broker “Australian Financial Innovations” to arrange a valuation for your home to see if you can unlock some lazy equity to improve your lifestyle)

3.  Take advantage of the low interest rates.

4.  Turn your negatively geared rental into a positively geared income generating rental property.

Want to learn more about how you can maximise your investments? Click here to check out our article "Top tips from the Experts; Generating Income from your Granny Flat".